Trade Smarter

Using OptionStack, You Can Automatically BackTest Your Stock & Option Trading Strategies In Minutes!

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Our Mission

Leveling Wall Street’s Playing Field

Trusted by thousands of professional & retail traders alike, OptionStack is an institutional platform to build and test your stock & options trading strategies. Our mission is to empower all investors to achieve their financial goals. We believe no one cares more about your money than you. And with the right set of tools, you can manage your investments better than anyone on Wall Street!

Automated Options Backtesting

Unlike other options analysis software, Option Stack’s patent-pending software automates the whole process of backtesting your stock & options trading strategies! No more manually wading through data by hand!

Stock & Options Trading Systems

Ridiculously easy to create and test your option trading strategies, from buying single puts / calls to adjusting complex option spreads (vertical spread, straddle, butterfly, iron condor, jade lizard, etc..).

Your Edge

If you are the kind of person that wants total control over your stock & options trades, our Patent-Pending Options Analysis and Backtesting Platform can give you that edge!


world-class technology, community, and more

Automated Backtesting

Make better investments decisions with the power of automated backtesting - automatically backtest 15+ years of stock & options trading strategies in minutes.

Drag & Drop

Backtest even the most complex stock and options strategies without any programming knowledge, from buying calls to selling unbalanced iron condors.

Visual Risk Graphs

Optimize your trading strategies with powerful analytics, interactive portfolio risk graphs, and advanced charting of stocks and studies.

Advanced Strategies

Create complex stock & options spreads, advanced trade adjustments, portfolio rebalancing, capital allocation, position sizing, alpha generation, and much more...

Studies & Indicators

Choose from hundreds of available studies and indicators, including volatility / technical / statistical / option greeks / earnings studies, and much more...


Share trading ideas and strategies with our community of seasoned to aspiring traders.

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