Basket Strategies

Backtest your strategies against a basket of 100+ symbols simultaneously.

Using the OptionStack platform, you can scan for specific market conditions across 100+ stocks simultaneously, and trade when those market conditions arise.

For instance, you can buy a call option whenever a stock hits its 52-week high across a basket of 100+ stock symbols.  Or you can sell a straddle 8 – 10 days before a stock’s earnings date across 100+ stock symbols at once.

The example below  demonstrates backtesting a basket of several stocks simultaneously.  The strategy tracks each stock’s earnings dates, and sells a straddle 8 – 10 days before each stock’s earnings date. The strategy scans and trades several stocks at once.


To view the performance of this strategy or to create your own basket trading strategy, sign up today and then click the “Run Backtest” button.

Run Backtest