Dummy Position

In by OptionStack

A dummy position is an invisible position whose attributes (prices, option greeks, etc..) can be referenced by your strategy to help define your trading signals, but whose transactions will NOT appear in your portfolio statistics / transaction logs.  They are created using the trackButDoNotTrade method.

Dummy positions can be used to track the properties of specific events / conditions / prices / etc, without affecting your portfolio statistics / transactions.

For example, you can use dummy positions to track the prices of 20-delta calls across time or the prices of at-the-money straddles, etc..  Or you can use dummy positions to make trades X days after a market condition is satisfied.

For example:

  • You can enter into a dummy position when the underlying stock hits a 1 month high
  • And wait X days after entering into the dummy position to perform the actual trade

For more information, please review:  Wait X Days After…

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